If you’re wondering where I’ve been, the answer is:
I’ve been hibernating in tune with mama earth.
Winter is a private time of retreat. Like other creatures of nature, I move deep inside an energetic woman-cave, conserving my energy and replenishing my inner earth for creations that will bloom in spring.
For me and most often my clients, this is a time to
- reflect on the past year
- review if we’re living, loving and leading in alignment
- release what isn’t serving us anymore
- create a clear anchoring vision for the new year
- develop/refine offerings for spring time and beyond
Theres’s a reason and purpose to the changes in seasons. Each is different, valuable and brings its own set of gifts and invitations.
When we align our energies with the seasons, we’re able to do more work with more clarity, energy, meaning and purpose.
Most women I know and serve are eager to plug out of old systems and introduce new ways of living, loving and leading, whether it’s at work or at home. The seasons point us in that direction. Let’s explore them briefly from the perspective of leadership development:
Leadership Winter
This is a time of dormancy and replenishment. For us as leaders we must refresh, rebuild and renew. Our harvest from past seasons tells us much about how we lead and if we are willing to look with honest and realness, it tells us what must come next.
Leadership Spring
Spring brings vitality and new growth after a period of rest. As leaders our spring comes with fresh ideas and projects, new energy and vitality and fresh (and fast) growth.
Leadership Summer
Summer promotes strength, power, expansion and connection. During our leadership summer we are strong and confident, resilient and moving forward.
Leadership Fall
Fall brings a slower energy as things begin to cool down. Energy from the summer begins to wane, but more importantly the autumn brings the results: we collect a harvest and begin to ask ourselves if the harvest was what we expected, or even what we needed. Then we course-correct 🙂
Something profound happens to our inner and outer world when we pay attention, adapt and use to our advantage the different seasons in our leadership life.
I’ll be sharing more in the coming weeks. Stay tuned!