“I highly recommend Puja to women who desire knowing how to navigate our busy, modern world while remaining heart-centered, grounded and celebrating our unique gifts as women.”
– Carol Morgan Cox
Puja is a Magical Goddess of Remembrance – Coaching us all to remember the love and power that lives within us. As a result of our work, I have found renewed joy and playfulness in my everyday world. As a typical “Type A,” I have always been so action and task oriented that I had forgotten how to be gentle and relaxed in my work. I feel that my work has been more productive, I am happier and I am more aligned with my authentic self.
– Lisa Beaury
If you’re reading this, you’re one of the brilliant women who has graduated from my coaching programs. I want to commend you for your decision to make yourself a priority and for your commitment to inner growth and expansion.
True inner work takes time, patience and oodles of love. We might have touched on some themes from your life in our coaching program and not gone deep enough to make positive changes. Or we might not have had the chance to explore your full potential during the course of the program. Either way, the Maintain Your Mojo program will help you receive the support, guidance and perspective that honors who you are and what you deserve to be, do or have.
This program is designed to be flexible, fun yet immensely criritcal for your path of wellbeing, balance and happiness. We will work on building positive habits and exploring your inner and outer worlds to assess what needs tweaking, enhancing or trashing. As usual you lead the way with what needs to be addressed to create a stress-free, productive, creative and fun environment for you at work and home. You decide the duration and the pace. Maintain Your Mojo programs can be discontinued and re-started at any time, giving you flexibility while still having a cheerleader by your side
- 2 sessions for 45-50 minutes every other week
- Done-for-you resources and fun-sheets
- Discounts to Wild Radiant Woman retreats
- Free access to webinars and teleseminars
- The Wild Radiant Woman manual with tools, reminders and affirmations (coming soon)
Your investment: $247/month for 3 or 6 months
(Discounts are available if you book for 3 or 6 months together. Please email lexi@wildradiantwoman.com for details)
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