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Dear <firstname>
I’ll be honest, the fist few years of my business were confusing and exhausting. Today when I look back at those years, I feel such deep love and awe for the woman I was back then: taking one baby step at a time, struggling yet keeping at it, creating this deeply fulfilling business from scratch.
If you’ve ever wondered what successful women are made of, what drives them, how they juggle between their many roles, then I highly recommend this free eBook by my friend Puja Madan <insert link>
The reason I agreed to bare my soul and share my story and daily habits along with other women entrepreneurs in this eBook is because I wanted to debunk the myths around entrepreneurship. It isn’t easy and we hardly ever have our shit together.
But there are daily choices and habits that help us inch forward to realize our dreams.
I’ve had the honor to be interviewed with ten other effervescent industry thought leaders in this eBook. Women, like me, who’ve bared their soul and agreed to give you a peek into their daily life and the habits that support them so they can bring their best work out into the world.
In ‘Stories and Daily Habits of Successful Women Entrepreneurs’ you have the opportunity to get an intimate, very real look into their business and life.
But here’s the catch <first name>. This eBook is available for a very limited time for free. I wouldn’t miss this chance to learn from and be inspired by the industry’s best.
Click here to grab your copy <insert link>
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Tip: It’s been proven that uploading images with your Facebook posts will increase click-through rates. You can use a selection of graphics provided below along with your posts.
If you’ve ever wondered what successful women entrepreneurs are made of, what drives them, how they juggle between their many roles, then I highly recommend this free eBook by my friend Puja Madan. My story is featured along with ten other industry experts. Available as a free download for a limited time.
<insert link>
They say success is the sum of small efforts repeated daily. In this eBook by my friend Puja Madan, I share the daily choices and habits that have helped me inch forward to realize my dreams.Available as a free download for a limited time. Read my stories and those of other industry experts here:
<insert link>
Twitter Posts
Step into the circle & discover the daily habits of successful women entrepreneurs in this free eBook (yours truly is featured) <insert shortened link>
Will you join me? I share my messy, sweaty story to success in this free eBook by @pujamadan <insert shortened link>
11 women, including me, share our stories and daily habits in this eBook <insert shortened link>
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Ramona Remesat
Bushra Azhar
Laura Diaz
Prerna Malik
Lydia Chicles
Seema Bharwani
Shay Hrobski
Monika Mundell