Danielle Commarota Owner, Now and Zen Wellness
My numbers have gone up and I am actually working less,….What!?
My business was growing slowly but since the program business has grown tremendously.
The coaching program has helped me tremendously in organizing my schedule to work smarter not harder. I feel clarity in my direction, aligned more with my feminine power. Creating healthier boundaries and creating programs to help my clients in a way I have never before. Knowing that it’s ok, more than ok to succeed at being all that I dream to become. Learning a bit more about how to be flexible with myself from day to day; celebrating, resting, daydreaming, and seeing challenges as an opportunity. It’s not always the time to do, it’s important to be as well
Puja is a loving, powerful, wise, and supportive motivator, teaching women to understand, accept, and propel their divine power in their unique purpose(s). I absolutely recommend her.
Puja Madan - Reimagining Leadership
Danielle Commarota
Owner, Now and Zen Wellness