“I highly recommend Puja to women who desire knowing how to navigate our busy, modern world while remaining heart-centered, grounded and celebrating our unique gifts as women.”
– Carol Morgan Cox
Have you ever wished:
- you felt energetic, vibrant and deeply connected to your body?
- stress didn’t occupy your life and mindspace as much?
- your emotions weren’t so all-over-the-place?
- your day started and ended with high energy and peace of mind?
- your relationships were nourishing, loving and fun?
- you were more productive and creative in half the time?
In my years coaching, writing and hosting workshops and retreats on women’s health and wellness, I’ve arrived at some powerful insights
One of them is that you already know the answer to what you seek. There is a famous saying by Rumi that illustrates my understanding.
“Everything in the Universe is within you. Ask all from yourself.”
The only reason you don’t have access to this wisdom is that stress has disconnected you from it. This stress could be from adrenal fatigue or a draining relationship or a childhood fear that keeps you paralyzed into inaction. My job is to identify and cleave out the noisy, cluttered and unnecessary stuff from your life so you can hone in to the gentle whispers of this inner guidance. Yep, akin to finding your wings and flying high!
My other insight is that there simply are no rights and wrongs. What works today might not work tomorrow and what works for you might wreck havoc for someone else. Like our fingerprints, our requirements are unique too. I spend considerable time understanding you before creating programs and offering sessions.
The women I work with aren’t ordinary. They are highly intelligent and motivated with a unique blend of curiosity, courage and heart. They possess both a sense of adventure and a sense of urgency to unravel their brilliance, to reclaim their gifts and share them generously with the world. Once we get to the bottom of what’s causing you stress, you’ll find yourself unhinged, free and completely available to life’s many possibilities in your personal and professional world.
Puja is clearly a master of personal health and wellness, and she puts forth her ideas in a way that is engaging, clear and humorous.
– Eddie Selover
Online Programs & Courses
Learn from the comfort of your home (or your office if you like to break rules ;)) with these online courses and programs. eBooks, home study courses, online group coaching programs: I’ve got you covered, sister.
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1-on-1 Coaching
It’s the most effective way to find the clarity and motivation to reach your dreams and goals. No BS, only a laser sharp focus on your wellbeing. Together we’ll find your perfectly unique style of living, working and creating.
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Live Events
If you live in the Central Florida area, be sure to check out my women’s retreats, workshops and speaking gigs. I’d love to meet and hug you in person. This section also includes online teleclasses and webinars.
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